Ok i first want to point out that its annoying hearing everyones opinion on how pot should be legalized, cuz to tell you the truth, i really dont give a shit. I dont smoke myself and people who smoke pot dont bother me at all so i dont care one way or another what happens. However, my psych teacher told me a very interesting story today that i thought id share...
Her son died of cancer some time ago. She was telling us about when he had cancer, the chemo made him sick to his stomach and he wouldn't eat so they had to give him an I.V. (i think thats how u say it), to give his body the nutrients to keep him alive. And with this medicine, it made him feel full all the time so he wouldn't eat because of this either. So pretty much they said if you dont eat, they need to keep giving him this stuff, and because they were giving it to him, he didnt feel like eating, like a never ending circle.
Anyway, thats when she told us that she got the idea to let him smoke pot. I think he was only like 14 at the time and never smoked it before, but she went downtown, and told us how she had to used to buy pot from people she never met. How it was so scary for her to be in the bad parts of town talking to drugs dealers but it ultimately meant keeping her kid alive. So she started buying pot for her kid and when he smoked it, not only did he not feel sick to his stomach anymore, but also it made him want to start eating again. So then he was able to get taken off the medicine and his health in general made an huge improvement.
So being that I dont smoke at all and pot doesn't effect my life in any direct way, I personally couldn't care less about laws or regulations of it or anything. However this story kind of opened my eyes in seeing how beneficial it could be. Her son passed away after a long battle, but thanks to marijuana, his life was a lot longer than it would have been without it. So let me know what you guys think about the situation. Or if you have any stories like this let me know I would like to hear.
The way I see it, as long as alcohol is legal, there is no reason why pot should be illegal.
Leon Alcohol is much worse than pot. I think alcohol should most definitely be illegal or limited considering the problems it causes. Pot i'm not sure, I heard it has cancer curing properties, but the fact that this kid died kinda disprioves that. Maybe it's good for medicinal purposes, but it should not be abused by healthy people.
hey, bucky, im merc399 from youtube, btw. Pot never was said to have cancer curing properties, it has been shown to lower the risk for cancer among smokers. and alchohol is much worse than marijuana, considering marijuana's 0 people a year death toll. But im moving to canada after i graduate college, and by then canada will have legalized it (i know its been decriminalized for a while, and that the gov is considering it... not too sure if its legal yet) so U.S. policy doesnt concern me too much. just have to play it careful for a few years lol.
If people want to smoke pot, that's their business. I say legalize it. It would be stupid not to.
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