Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Prbly gona go pick up just cause 2 today. Be expecting a ton of battlefield vids on boomtowngamers and objective c tuts on thenewboston this week!


David Gonzalez Shannon AKA Gooster said...

Where do you find all that time? I have to say I'm extremely impressed on how you organize yourself, I would love to see in the future tutorials on how to manage your time. Greetings from your listeners in Barcelona, Spain : ).

Unknown said...

I love your tutorial. Could you please help me with the school project. Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

I love your tutorial and a big fan of yours. Could you help me with school project about C programing. I'm a slow learner and all of the tutors at school already gave up on me. It's sad but true ...

Keith said...

@minh ow man... Im sorry about that..But believe on your self. you can do it! It might take time but if you pursue you can do it!