Tuesday, April 6, 2010


brock said...

I've just received an email from my uncle the other day. He loves war story as he is a Veteran himself. He told me about a soldier who was wounded during a battle in Vietnam. They were out numbered by 8-1 and the captain order the Huey to NOT come in to rescue them. He knows that it's the end and everything will be over here and now. In the sound of machine gun fire of the Communist North Vietnamese, he heard a sound of a hellicopter. He looks up and there it is a helli landed right next to him in the line of machine gun fires. He got rescued along with others. The pilot despite the order to not come in and die but he did anyway to safe his fellow soldiers. Not just one trip but he did 13 trips and each trip he save many of them. He DIED couple days ago and receive a metal of honor. HERE'S MY POINT...
A hero like that and noone know about him. I bet most you you don't even know of this guy. He never get to go front page. He never get to go on news like Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson. It's so like this picture here.

I'm just refering to an email that I've received from my uncle. With this image and the message in it, it does remind me of the email that i've read. WOW, I WRITE SO MUCH. Sorry BUCKY. Keep up the good work man.

Benjamin said...

Hey Im a junior doing my graduation project on computer programming and I was hoping you wouldn't mind helping me by being my mentor, I've seen your videos and there really easy to follow along with. I live in North Carolina and my email me at bsmooney@students.cccti.edu, thank you for your time.

Justpnk said...

I know this is the absolute wrong place to put this, but Youtube wasn't letting me send you a message. I'm watching your videos on Java programming and Eclipse is giving me some problems, Its not actually printing out the Hello World, instead its say "Prints ASM code to generate the given class" and doesn't show me what I want. do you have a fix for that?