Saturday, May 29, 2010

People who say they "hate drama" are usually the same people that cause it


Unknown said...

Hi: I watched your objective C tut. and python tut.

I just finished reading C# in 21 days. I am familiar now with OOP.

Do you plan to do a c# tut?


David Gonzalez Shannon AKA Gooster said...

Yah but just because we don't understand it.

Thomas said...

dude. If you're gonna post random blog posts that are a sentence long, get a twitter.

Anonymous said...

HI Sir , i watch all of your video it's so good and well and i have an request that is i need your contact email id to contact you personally


yeah that right!!
and BTW thanks a lot Bucky for putting up all those tutorials;
They helped me a lot.

bobby said...

well said Bucky Roberts. But these type of one sentence updates are popular on twitter. So, I do feel you should better get on to twitter and post these updates along with #quote tag for better influence.

Anonymous said...

Come on people let him do what he wants, this is HIS blog to begin with. :)

Twitter is a crowd, who wants to think in a crowd.

Sofian Oktavianus said...

You right lol.. btw i had download your 27 videos about javascript tutorial. U have last update? :D

you have a talent to teaching..

you know about jslib? javascript framework to editing sqlite.
thx.. ;)

yasu said...

hey bucky ur a champion !!! i must say this before i ask any help from u, bucky please temme how to to .exe i have tried using exemaker for python from the web but it ends up giving a crappy green color icon for my .exe file , also if i change the icon with a software the application stops working.... so plz plz plz telme how to do that !! and 1 last thing i also wanna know how to select a folder and store its path in a variable using wxPython :)

Vlad Svidlo said...

hey Bucky just wanted to post the garbage stuff to let you know that i appreciate your tuts!!! Cheers Vlad

Unknown said...

Please help raise money for some one in need, God Bless Everyone
Spread the word!