Friday, May 14, 2010

Things I am addicted to

  1. my forum
  2. checking my email and youtube channel
  3. haypi kingdom (iphone game)
  4. mac and cheese spirals
  5. cocaine
jk on the last one


Anonymous said...

looool and i was sad that u r addict to it :D

Unknown said...

haypi kingdom is confusing...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'It's one hell of a drug'
-Rick James

Meh said...

hey bucky, were on haypi aswell. but were in OZ. watching ur obj C tutes. anyways, abt haypi, what server are u on, were are on the server that just combined 2 and 4 i think, now server 101.
see u on the battlefield. ;)

ajeet said...

Last addiction is very impressive.

Yared Asrat said...

hi Bucky "According to me .. addicted by any thing is not good right? b/s you loss somthing on the other way . . but become addicted for every good things is better whatever the other loss is happen"

thanks Bucky! you show me the way what Java is.

Unknown said...

me wish to understand C program im still at the basics